I finished another WIP. I started this last October. I bought the pattern at Inspire Me Retreat and just now got it stitched. I'm thinking maybe a flatfold finish. I stitched it on cocoa linen, but the photo shows much lighter color. I love the colors in this.
Thank you for putting out charts I just can't resist, lol
Keep up the great work, Jan
Here's Penny America Jan also designed. I stitched this years ago, one of my favorites
It's trying to rain here this morning, I hope it's sunny where you live. I love rain, it gives me more time to stitch and less yard work, doh!!!!
I've really been getting my WIP's done. I have been focusing on one at a time. I didn't realize I could finish them faster then skipping from one WIP to another, ok well I did but don't tell anyone, ha
I've been good not to start anything, but it's killing me!!!!!
Make time to stitch today and everyday ✂️